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AMS Compostable


Latin American nations that promote the reduction and eradication of using plastic in their day to day

Human beings are linked to the environment just to satisfy their daily needs, creating relations and dependency between the nature and society that lives within. In that natural environment you can find physic, chemical and biologic elements that integrate the world.

Inside the elements more acknowledged you can find the plastic in his multiple forms, sizes and utilities; even though, is one of the most invasive and contaminating element considerate by the population of the world because of the long duration of his biodegradation, the high rates of production that are made of him and the big demand by human beings just to obtain all the benefits and given uses of the plastic in their day to day.

Is it necessary the use of plastic in the daily life?

The uses of the plastic in the everyday life of men and women in the world, is demarked by the big quantity of final goods that uses the plastic as a way of transporting, protecting, saving or any other form of uses, the food, clothes, shoes and any type of materials, allowing an easygoing and practical daily life.

However, the excessive uses of plastic in the daily life, causes a significal increase of plastic of plastic waste for the environment in which human beings live. The governmental politics has look at other sustainable ways with the environment for reduce and eradicate the uses of plastic, in order to establishing actions that decrease the invasive character of the plastic for the animals, seas, rivers, mountains and other natural environments.

What have the governmental politics done in Latin America to eradicate the uses of plastic?

In Latin America, the uses of plastic in the everyday life has given a big quantity of waste that attempt the health of the society; this has brought as a consequence the partial or complete destruction of natural environments. The Latin American nations has presented new proposals, politics and actions that reduces the uses of excessive plastic in the daily life of the citizens.

The programs of plastic eradication, starts with attacking the excessive use of the plastic bag, because is one of the elements with more rate of contamination for this environment, because of the production in excess and the social demand.

Latin American countries which has created reduction and eradication proposals for the plastic:

  • Panama: as the ONU says, is the first Centro American country in forbid the use of plastic bags in supermarkets. With the estimation of reduce even a 20% of the general uses of plastic.
  • Antigua y Barbuda: Trinidad & Tobago and Paraguay altogether, in 2016 they prohibited the importation of plastic bags for just one use only in the Caribbean region, under the campaign of “Mares Limpios”.
  • Colombia: with the Decree 2198 of 2017, was implemented a politic that consist in charge a tax for the use of plastic bags in companies that uses plastic bags for transporting or saving products.
  • Brazil: since 2015 the Sau Paulo authorities forbid the use of plastic bags.
  • Argentina: since 2017, in Buenos Aires, has started the program of forbid the big supermarket to deliver plastic bags to the customers.
  • Chile: the campaign “Chao a las Bolsas Plásticas”, Chile has become the first country in Latin America in forbid in all the territory saying that the big stores and supermarkets. Trough the law 20.920, they establish the marc for the waste amanagement, the Extended Responsibility of Products and the recycling promotion, enacted public in May 2016.
  • Peru: is joining too, to the regulations of the uses of the plastic bag through a law that establish the times for regulate and forbid the uses, delivery, fabrication and distribution of plastic bags, like straws, packs and disposable polyethylene utensils. Since the 2021, in Peru estimate the ban of fabrication of plastic bags non reusable and all the utensils od hard degradation.

These proposals that reduce and eradicate the plastic in the daily life in Latin America, has generated a more aware society. In AMS Compostable, we have created a new proposal in having bags, for your home or business, 100% compostable and eco-friendly; promoting the alternative use of plastic bags that no attempt with the integrity of the environment and creating more awareness and eco sustainable conscience for the citizens and the entire world.


Noticias ONU (2018). Panamá: El primer país centroamericano en prohibir las bolsas plásticas. Consultado en:

Noticias ONU (2019). Restricción de Bolsas de Plástico para evitar contaminación en mares y océanos. Consultado en:

Ministerio del Medio Ambiente, Chile. REP – Chile Recicla: La Ley. Consultado en:

América Económica, Perú (2018). Perú se suma a la regulación del uso del plástico a través de una nueva ley. Consultado en:

National Geographic. 10 Shocking Facts About Plastic. Checked in:

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